Monday, 17 November 2014

Cancer Treatment and fertility - 7 questions which patient need to think about and ask

Patients undergoing cancer treatment are at emotional cross roads where on one hand they are receiving counselling for treatment for life threatening condition-CANCER and on the other hand they are having discussions about long term effects of treatment of cancer on REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS and FERTILITY. This can be very difficult and challenging at times not only for patient but also for treating oncologist. 

Patient need to think and ask following questions to their oncologist/fertility specialist regarding fertility which will help them to make a right decision with regards to their treatment-

·       Will any of my cancer treatments affect my fertility?

·       Are there effective cancer treatment options for me that are less likely to cause infertility?

·       Are there any options for preserving fertility prior to cancer treatment?

·       How will I know if I am fertile after treatment?

·       If I don’t preserve my fertility before my cancer treatment, what are my parenthood options after treatment?

·       Do I have a type of cancer that can be inherited by my children?

·       How long do I need to wait after cancer treatment ends to start a family?

Courtesy- Fertilehope