The average duration of the menstrual cycle is generally 28 days, however, it’s completely normal for
periods to come a bit early or late.
In general, females, who are
still going through puberty, have higher chances of getting irregular periods,
whereas females, who are past this phase, develop a regular cycle. Irregular
periods are a condition when the length of the menstrual cycle becomes
irregular and keeps on changing.
What causes irregular periods?
The irregularity in the periods
could be caused due to various reasons such as hormonal imbalance, PCOS,
obesity, thyroid dysfunction, etc. In some cases, the cycle gets back to normal
on its own within 2-3 months; however, it is advisable to get these conditions
evaluated by your doctor in case this irregularity continues for a longer
period of time. Some of the major and common reasons behind the irregularity of
the menstrual cycle can also lead to infertility.
Irregular periods and infertility
Irregular periods could be held
accountable for a lot of cases where it gets difficult for a female to
conceive. Irregular bleeding patterns, no bleeding at all could mean that a
female is not ovulating normally. Although this condition could be possibly
treated by fertility drugs, it is advisable to evaluate all the reasons that
may interfere with your fertility
(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): Irregular periods are a telltale sign of females
suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. In such cases, a female may
experience a spectrum of menstrual irregularities ranging from prolonged
menstrual cycle length, menstrual cycle with a very heavy flow, no menstrual
cycle without taking medications. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that can cause the ovaries
not to work. In most cases, the ovaries become enlarged and appear covered with
tiny, fluid-filled cysts. It can cause no ovulation or irregular ovulation.
In a study, it was found that almost 44% of the females who were suffering from
an irregularity of periods also had thyroid issues. Where hypothyroidism
causes very heavy bleeding along with severe menstrual cramping and fatigue,
hyperthyroidism causes a shorter and lighter period along with anxiety and
weight loss.
Stress: People
may experience stress in many different ways, such as sadness, irritability,
insomnia, and headaches. When an extremely stressful situation arises, any
system that isn't necessary for survival shuts down, including your
reproductive system. Stress does links to that part of the brain, which regulates
the menstruation controlling hormones. This is why your period can be late when
you're experiencing high levels of stress for an extended period of time.
Stress could be one of the evils that may be causing your menstrual cycle to
become irregular. For some couples, infertility itself causes a lot of stress
which eventually may affect their fertility.
The study by Boston University suggests that when one person is more stressed than
the other (also known as "stress discordance"), getting pregnant could
be difficult because it can indicate poor relationship quality.
Overweight: Being overweight is one of the most common reasons behind
irregular periods. Research shows that the excess weight messes up with the
hormone level alongside affecting the levels of Insulin. This imbalance, as a
consequence, interferes with your menstrual cycle, causing it to become
Medication: There are certain medications that could easily alter the
regularity of the menstrual cycle. These could be antidepressants and oral
contraceptive pills.
Diminished Ovarian Reserve: There are not many symptoms that could tell that a
female’s ovarian reserve is diminishing, nonetheless, delayed menstrual cycle,
no menstrual cycle, shorter menstrual cycles, or scanty flow, could be some of
the symptoms that indicate that the quality and the quantity of the eggs are
getting negatively affected or getting diminished.
Fibroids- Fibroids are benign muscular growth in the uterus. When
they are confined within the muscular layer, they are known as intramural fibroids,
when they start growing inside the uterus lining (endometrium), they are known
as submucosal fibroids. Sub-mucosal fibroids can be one of the reasons for
irregular periods.
Endometrial polyps- These are small growths in the lining of the
uterus(endometrium) which can because of irregular bleeding, spotting in
between periods.
Cancer: Women
should not be taking the infrequent periods or irregular menstrual cycle
lightly as it could be a sign that a female is suffering from some form of
reproductive organ cancer(ovaries, uterus, cervix).
Hormonal birth control pills and
breastfeeding are also some of the causes of irregular bleeds
The treatment could vary
depending on the actual reason if any that makes the menstruation irregular. It
may also be required to treat the underlying condition that could be playing a
part. Treatment can be medical interventions or surgical interventions. Sometimes
optimizing ovulation Induction only helps to regularize the menstrual cycle.
Structural treatments may include surgical removal of uterine fibroids, removal
of polyps. Other surgical interventions, which are helpful, are -
● Hysteroscopy. In this technique, your doctor will insert a thin hysteroscope
through your vagina and cervix into the uterus. If your doctor finds any
endometrial polyps that cause irregular bleeds and infertility, they will be
removed at this time.
● Endometrial
biopsy. This
is a biopsy where the doctor with the help of a small plastic tool, gets the
inside lining of your uterus. This lining serves as the sample tissue to check
for the state of the lining of the uterus, any infections, and for the presence
of any abnormal cells which can lead to cancer.